Dave Schwartz recommended this book to me about five years ago and sometime within the last year I put in a hold request for it from the Boston Public Library. A while later it arrived—methinks it was either lost or someone didn't want to give it up. If it were the latter, I'd understand why—although I think you can pick it up pretty cheaply on abebooks.com or some such place. It's a fascinating book. Each story is preceded by a Biblical quote, but the stories don't have a religious feel to them. Some of the stories are very short. They're more like turning a corner and seeing something happen but without knowing the context you can't quite tell if the people are happy, sad, horrified, ok. There's something insouciant about his beginning the book with a city plagued by dragons and how they suffered from the city's backwardness. It puts the reader instantly and gently into a different, parallel reality where we know mostly everything will be familiar but one or two things might be fantastic.---Also, it's only 132 pages. Short!I can't find a copy of the back cover author pic online but the one here (http://ipsislitteris.opsblog.org/2007/08/04/uma-visita-a-murilo-rubiao-1916-1991/) is almost close enough that you might believe me when I say he is the double of one of the guy's in OK Go(!).