From the 2008 Tiptree Award Honor List:The main character is a young woman who has been raised to masqueradeas a boy named Eon in order to train and compete for a place as aDragoneye, a person who can command wind and water to protect theland. Loosely based on Chinese myth and culture (think CrouchingTiger, Hidden Dragon), this book resonates in that the character is abit like Alice Sheldon herself - in order to achieve her goals in thisculture, she must be seen as a male. In the end, her true gender iswhat will save her and the land. (LH) Though the premise here is notnew - girl disguises self as boy in order to take a role in societydenied to her because of gender - the book itself is engaging and themain character drawn well. (KTB) This book engaged with gender in away that was very useful to both fantasy and YA readers. The leadcharacter's gender is buried is so deeply that it can surprise thereader when it re-appears. She has lived as a boy for so long that shehas stopped watching women for cues on how to live and has noknowledge of how to be female in her society. This is the first partof a series and it will be fascinating to see where the author goeswith her exploration of gender.